Melalong AD Cream (Mequinol/Tretinoin)
Medicine OverView

Buy Melalong AD Cream 15gm Generic drug of Mequinol(2%w/w) and Tretinoin(0.01%w/w). online at a reasonable price from most trusted pharmacy to cure Acne. Get all information regarding this medicine like a review, uses side effect, dosage (Missed/Over), Composition, Substitutes, Precautions, manufactured by Ajanta Pharma Ltd, how it works, how long does last. You can also get speedy delivery in UK, USA, France, Australia, China.
Melalong AD Cream is utilized for the acne, melasma, Lightens light brown color patches on the skin, Acne vulgaris. This medication is composition of Mequinol(2%w/w) and Tretinoin(0.01%w/w) Topical as active ingredients.This Cream works by inhibiting the enzyme tyrosinase; increasing the turnover of follicular epithelial cells. This medicine manufactured by Ajanta Pharma Ltd.
Melalong AD cream is indicated for acne, Melasma, Chloasma,Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation, Post procedural Hyperpigmentation, Solar Lentigines, Perfume Melanosis, and Ephelides.
Generic Mequinol is a depigmenting agent is more potent and likely to be more effective than hydroquinone and is claimed to have a low propensity for leucoderma. It is suggested to be due to oxidation by tyrosinase to the cytotoxic product in melanocytes or inhibition of melanin formation. Generic Tretinoin is a retinoid which acts via retinoic acid receptors (RARs) and also demonstrates a depigmenting effect. The mechanism of tretinoin is unclear and may involve inhibition of tyrosinase activity.
Melalong AD Cream should be applied preferably once daily in the evening. The physician depending on the response would decide the duration of application: The proper info regarding how long does it last is printed box on the 15 g cream available in a laminated tube. This cream is Store in Below 25℃. Do not freeze. Keep the tube tightly closed after use. Keep out of the reach of children.
As per expert review some of the side effects:
Minor side effects are as follows
Major side effects are as follow.
Melalong AD Cream should not be applied to open wounds, and mucous membranes, contact near the eyes, lips, or nose should be avoided.
Patients must use sunscreen preparations or wear protective clothing over treated areas when sunlight exposure cannot be avoided.
Any topical product or cosmetic agent should not be applied simultaneously but should be delayed for at minimum 30 min after the application of mequinol and tretinoin.
Melalong AD Cream is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients or Vitamin A derivatives; this cream is also contraindicated in patients with eczema, personal or family history of vitiligo, sunburns, many histories of exposure to sunlight or sunburns, pregnancy, lactation, and pediatric patients.
Melalong AD cream is not suggested for use in pregnant women.
This medicine is not suggested for use in breastfeeding women.
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