Benzac AC 2.5% Gel (Benzoyl Peroxide)
Medicine OverView

Buy Benzac AC Gel generic drug of Benzoyl Peroxide online at low price from the most trusted pharmacy for Acne. Get all info about this medication like the review, use, how long does the last Composition, dosage (missed/over), Substitutes, side effect, manufactured by Galderma Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd, how it works, Precautions and many more. You can get speedy delivery in the UK, USA, Australia, France, China.
This gel is a keratolytic agent with antibacterial actions, suggested for acne. It allows excess oils and dirt to be easily washed away from the skin.
Benzac AC Gel contains generic Benzoyl Peroxide Topical as an active ingredient.
The complete list of uses and indications for Benzac AC Gel is as follows
It works by releasing oxygen after topical application which acts as a bactericidal agent towards Propionibacterium pimples, the bacteria present in acne vulgaris. It also increases the turnover rate of epithelial cells, thereby peeling the skin and promoting the resolution of comedones.
It should be applied topically.
In case you forgot a dose, use it as soon as possible. If it is near to the time of your next doses, skip the missed dose and resume your dosing schedule. Don’t use an extra dose to make up for a neglected dose. If you are regularly missing doses, consider setting the alarm or asking a family member to remind you. Please counsel your doctor to discuss changes in your dosing or a new schedule to make up for missed doses, if you have forgotten too many doses recently.
Don’t use more than the advised dose. Taking more gel will not improve your indications; rather, they may cause poisoning or dangerous side-effects. If you have any uncertainty about an overdose of this gel, then please go to the emergency section of the nearest clinic or nursing home.
Don’t give your gel to other people even if you know that they have a similar situation or it seems that they may have the same situations. This may follow to overdosage.
If you want to more information about this gel, then please counsel to your physician/pharmacist.
The following is a list of possible side effects that may occur from the use of it. These side-effects are possible but don’t always happen. Some of the side-effects may be rare but serious. Counsel your pharmaceutist/physician if you detect any of the following side-effects, mainly if they do not go away.
Apply Benzac AC Gel as suggested by the physician or pharmacist. Apply only to the affected area and rinse thoroughly. Don’t apply more than the recommended amount to avoid excessive drying. Don’t use on if you have an allergy to this gel. Inform the pharmacist or physician if you develop any skin reactions.
If you have any allergy problem, then you do not use this gel without counseling your physician.
This gel is applied to the affected skin as suggested by your physician or pharmacist. This gel is for external use only. Do not contact with the eyes and mouth. Disclosure to the sunlight should be averted and use sunscreen lotion as needed.
Benzac AC Gel may cause skin irritation(frustration) initially when applied and categorized by peeling of the skin. This effect is not dangerous and will be subsided within in 1 or 2 days when the treatment is stopped.
This gel may increase the skin irritation, therefore, should not be used in patients with dry skin and skin irritation.
It is unknown whether this medicine is excreted through the breastmilk. It is suggested for breastfeeding women only if necessary. Avert direct contact of this gel with the kid.
Benzac AC Gel is suggested in pregnant women only if benefits overweigh the risks.
Please discuss with your doctor for case-specific recommendations.
Please counsel the benefits and risks with your physician or pharmacist.
f you experience drowsiness, dizziness, hypotension or a headache as adverse-effects when using this gel, then it may not be safe to drive heavy vehicle machinery. One shouldn’t drive a vehicle if we use this gel then it makes you drowsy, dizzy or lowers your blood-pressure extensively. The doctor also advises patients not to drink alcohol with medications as liquor intensifies drowsiness adverse-effects. When we used it, then you check for these effects on your body. Always discuss with your pharmacist for recommendations specific to your body and health conditions.
Most of the gel doesn't come with a potential for habit or abuse. Usually, government's categorizes medications that can be addictive as controlled substances. Examples contain schedule H or X in India and schedule II-V in the US. Please discuss the product package to make sure that the gel does not belong to such particular categorizations of gels. Finally, do not self-medicate and increase your body's dependence on drugs without the advice of a physician or pharmacist.
Yes, acne and blackheads are among the most common reported uses for it. Please do not use Benzac AC Gel for acne and blackheads without consulting first with your doctor.
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