Silagra 100mg Tablet (Sildenafil Citrate)
Medicine OverView

Buy Silagra 100mg tablets Generic drug of Sildenafil Citrate online at a low price from most trusted website to cure Erectile Dysfunction. Get all info about this medicine like use, dosage (missed/over), Precautions, Substitutes, the review, how long does the last Composition, side effect, manufactured by Cipla Pharmaceuticals, how it works, and many more. You can also get speedy delivery in the UK, China, USA, Australia, France.
This pill come in doses of 50 mg and this medicine is a composition of generic sildenafil citrate, it is a main active ingredient. It is commonly used for treating erectile dysfunction in men. It is a prescription drug that is manufactured by the pharmaceutical company called Cipla Pharmaceuticals. Male erectile dysfunction problem is common all around the world, and sildenafil citrate is used for treating this disorder. In this article, you will determine about this medicine, its proper dosage, when and how it should be taken, what precautions you ought to consider and potential side effects this drug has. It must be carefully noted that this medicine is prescribed medicines and should be taken only when a doctor has specifically prescribed it for you.
Silagra 100mg pill is primarily used for treating male erectile dysfunction. Sildenafil citrate improves the blood flow into the male sexual organs and hence it facilitates a stronger and longer erection which is vital for having a satisfying sexual experience. It is also used for treating pulmonary hypertension as it relaxes blood vessels.
When men get sexually excited and aroused, the blood flows inside the corpus cavernosum of the penis at quite a high rate because the blood vessels inside his penis dilate by a process known as vasodilatation. However, there can be instances when this process can get affected and inhibited by such enzymes as PDE type 5 or phosphodiesterase type 5.
Sildenafil citrate will ensure that the cGMP and the nitric oxide in the bloodstream do not get affected by PDE5 and the vasodilatation is maintained correctly. This will in a continuous flow of blood into the male penis which will help to keep a long, healthy and harder erection which eventually leads to a satisfying sexual experience. The proper information about how long does last is provided on the tablet strip or tablet box and also helps in regulating blood flow in other parts of the body; hence it can also be used to treat human who suffers from pulmonary diseases like hypertension.
Silagra 100mg tablets ought to be taken by a man for treating his problems of erectile dysfunction. It is an oral tablet. Generic drug of Sildenafil Citrate tablets thus has to be only taken by swallowing in their whole and complete form along with a glass of water. It must not be bitten or broken or chewed into bits and pieces and must be consumed in their whole. These pills do not help to arouse a man sexually, and hence they should not be taken during sexual intercourse. These medications have to be taken an hour to half an hour before beginning sexual intercourse. The medication has to be taken only once every day. This medicine is a prescription drug and should be taken after consultation with a doctor.
This medicine is available in 100 mg doses. They should be taken at least an hour before you commence with sexual activities. The exact dosage of the drug depends on your specific requirements which can be ascertained by your doctor. Do not take medicine every day more than one pill. If you are taking any nitrate-based drug, then you must not take this drug.
In case of overdosing on Sildenafil Citrate 100mg pill, you must contact your doctor immediately and get proper medical attention.
If you have missed your daily dosage, then you should first contact your doctor immediately and then take his or her advice. However, you can always have the tablet later in the day, at least half an hour before starting your sexual intercourse.
Silagra 100mg tablets have for their primary ingredient sildenafil citrate. As a result, such drugs will always bring with it some form of side effects, unfortunately.
It is important that you let your family doctor know about your complete medical history before you take this medication since it is a strong prescription drug. as per expert reviews, there are some side effects which are as follows
Most common Major side effects are as follows
Most common Minor side effects are as follows
These side effects are all temporary and will not affect anyone permanently or for the long term.
Silagra 100mg tablets must always be taken only once every single day, and you should not have any alcohol along with this medication. It has to be taken before you are sexually aroused and not while performing sexual intercourse.
Report the use of Silagra 100 MG pill before undergoing any surgery including dental procedures.
This drug may cause a sudden decrease in hearing capabilities along with clinging sound in the ears and dizziness. Contact your family doctor immediately if such symptoms are observed.
This medicine may cause a sudden loss of vision in one or both the eyes. It may also cause impairment in color differentiation capacity. It should be used with an extreme warning in sufferer suffering from this rare genetic disorder of the retina called Retinitis Pigmentosa.
Use of this medication is not recommended for people aged below 18 years. It can be used only if prescribed by a doctor.
Silagra 100mg is a prescription drug; it should be taken only when your doctor has specifically prescribed it for you. People who have liver problems must not take this drugs.
Chest pains must not take this pill or any other sildenafil citrate based medication.
Do not take this pill if you recently had a stroke, a heart attack or if you have very low blood pressure (<90/50 mmHg).
This medicine is not recommended for a pregnant lady.
This medicine is not recommended in breastfeeding women.
Some commonly available substitutes for Manforce pill are the tablet versions of generic sildenafil nitrate like Cenforce and Panegra tablets. Some such drugs include
This pill is used for treating erectile dysfunction. It is not yet known if this medicine will have any form of beneficial effects for treating premature ejaculation. There are other drugs available for treating premature ejaculation.
This medicine is a prescription drug and should only be taken as advised by your doctor.
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