Primacort 200mg Injection (Hydrocortisone)
Medicine OverView

Buy Primacort 200mg Injection Generic drug of Hydrocortisone online at low price from most trusted pharmacy to cure Severe allergic reactions, Allergy symptoms, Cancer. Get all info about this medicine like the review, use, side effect, dosage (missed/over), how long does the last Composition, Substitutes, manufactured by Macleods Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd, how it works, Precautions and many more. You can also get speedy delivery in the UK, USA, Australia, France, China.
Primacort 200mg injection is close to a natural hormone produced in the body which affects many functions in the body. It is used to cure swelling and pain associated with conditions like arthritis, severe allergies, eczema, psoriasis, etc. It is also used to cure the deficiency of steroidal hormones in the body.
It contains Hydrocortisone as an active ingredient. Macleods Pharma manufactures this Injection.
This Injection is specifying for the treatment of severe allergic reactions, allergy symptoms, cancer, skin disorders, and eye disorders. This injection is used for Breathing problems, Cancer, Itchy skin rashes, severe episodes of chills and fever, Allergic reactions, severe gouty arthritis, Pain, Swelling and inflammation of the skin, Inflammation of skin, Phthisis, Tuberculosis, and other conditions. This injection may also be used for purposes not recorded in this medication guide.
Primacort Injection works by shrinking the number of blood cells that origin inflammation and allergy.
Your specialist or nurse will give you this drug. Kindly do not self administer.
Take the forgot dose as soon as you remember. Skip the forgot dose If it’s almost time for your next scheduled dose, Do not double your dose to cover up for the forgot dose.
Contact your specialist instantly if an overdose of this medicine is suspected. The effects of an overdose are probably to be more acute with the injectable and oral forms.
The following are the most common adverse effects of Primacort 200mg injection
Take Primacort Injection exactly as prescribed by the specialist. The dosage form, strength, frequency, and timing of use are very specific to your needs. Don’t take in quantities larger or smaller than advised. The use of this drug ought not to be stopped abruptly. counsel your specialist before stopping this drug.
This medication is not suggested for use if you have a known allergy to this injection or any other ingredients present along with it.
This medicine is not suggested for use if you have an active infection which is untreated or the therapy is in progress.
This drug is not suggested for use if you have this immune system disorder that origin decrease in the level of blood cells.
Avoid using the medication if you are allergic to Hydrocortisone or similar drugs.
Avoid consumption of alcohol as it may alter the absorption of Hydrocortisone.
Don’t exceed the dose more than what is prescribed.
Be cautious while using Hydrocortisone if you have any kidney or liver impairment.
Consult the specialist before using any other medicine along with Hydrocortisone.
This drug is not suggested for use in pregnant women unless totally necessary. The amount of medicine and the duration of use should be kept as low as possible. Risks and benefits ought to be discussed with your specialist before using this medication.
Primacort Injection is not suggested for use in breastfeeding women as the effect on the nursing infant is unknown. Consult your specialist and talk about all the benefits and risks before using this medication.
Yes, the secure and effective use of this medicine during pregnancy and breastfeeding has been established. However, please counsel your specialist to know more about the safe dose during breastfeeding and pregnancy.
Use Primacort Injection for a prescribed duration. Don’t overuse the medication as it increases the risk of side effects.
Interaction with alcohol is unknown. It is advisable to counsel your specialist before consumption.
No habit-forming tendencies were reported.
Yes, breathing problems and cancer are among the most common reported uses for this Injection. Please try not to use this Injection for breathing problems and cancer without consulting first with your specialist.
Website users have reported 1 day, and 1 week as the most common time it takes before they saw improvements in their situations. These times may not be reflective of how you ought to use this medicine. Please consult with your specialist to check how long do you need to use this Injection.
Website users have reported once a day and once in 3 days as the most common frequency of using this injection. Please go with your doctor's advice on how often you need to this injection.
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