Lox Heavy 5% Injection (Lidocaine/Lignocaine)
Medicine OverView

Buy Lox Heavy 5% Injection Generic drug of Lidocaine (5%) online at reasonable price from most trusted website to cure Local anesthesia (Numb tissues in a specific area), Arrhythmias. Get all information regarding this medicine like review, uses, side effect, dosage (Missed/Over), Composition, Substitutes, Precautions, manufacturer, how it works, how long does last and many more. You can also get fast delivery in UK, USA, Australia, France, China.
Lox Heavy 5% Injection is used as a local anaesthetic for its numbness-causing properties that eases the pain, before surgical procedures. It is an effective medicine that is applied directly on the skin to get it rid of itchiness and other skin problems such as burns, insect bites, and eczema. It also comes handy in treating haemorrhoids, arrhythmia which is identified by improper heart beating pattern, and problems of genital area or anal region. Its viscous version is useful for operating on dental conditions as it causes to sensation to go numb, so the pain of mouth ulcers, rectal regions, or denture irritation can be alleviated.
The characteristic effect of generic Lidocaine injection is its ability to shove the feeling of pain into a dormant state. So, when you are injected with Lox Heavy, your body becomes numb to the sensations of pain, thereby making surgical or other serious incisive procedures to be performed smoothly without causing discomfort to the patient. Both the injection and topical application is administered as anaesthesia. It is prescribed for relieving pain, swelling, and discomfort caused by blisters, shingles, cardiac arrhythmia, sunburn, haemorrhoids, insect bites, burns, gastrointestinal tract examination, labour pain, minor cuts, and scratches among other things.
Generic lidocaine injection stops the sensation of pain due to the presence of an active ingredient called Lidocaine. The sensation of pain happens when the receptors send the signals to the brain via central nervous system indicating pain. The receptors work through the voltage-gated channels and send sodium ions from inside of the cell to outside. This flow of ions triggers the voltage channel which sends the messages to the brain signalling pain and other sensations. Lox Heavy prevents the sodium ions from going through the voltage channels. Even before the pain signals are formed, they are stopped, thus nipping the pain the bud.
This medication is not for self-administration. You must consult your doctor before applying other variants of Injection. The variants are available as cream, gel, lotion, skin patch, and spray. Before applying the variant on the skin, clean it and let it dry for some time. Doctors usually recommend it to use it twice or thrice a day.
Dosage of generic Lidocaine injection depends on your condition. If it is being used for surgical or other serious medical procedures, the dosage will be taken care of by the doctor or nurse. It is advised to abstain from excessive quantity of Lox Heavy as it may cause serious harmful effects such as fits. Children below the age of 12 years are not given this medicine. Application of Lox Heavy should not be less than every three hours.
If you have a schedule for the dosage, take the medicine as soon as you remember it. However, variants of Lox Heavy are prescribed without any regimen so even if you miss it, it will not be a problem.
You must contact your doctor if you happen to have an overdose of the medicine. Serious causes of overdose may be indicated by coma, slowing down in breathing, difficult breathing, change in heart rate, etc.
The ingredients of this drug may probably cause many side effects but they do not occur always. Following is a list of possible side effects; the list is not exhaustive. If you have any of these symptoms, visit your doctor as soon as possible.
This medicine have Some minor side effects, which are as follows
This medicine have Some major side effects, which are as follows
For taking any pharmaceutical drugs, certain precautions are required to be taken. These precautions are mostly advised by the doctors who recommend the medicines to patients. Like other pharmaceutical drugs, precautions should be taken when you opt for consuming this medication.
If you are on medication of some other problem or you are using supplement, herbs, etc, tell your doctor about it before he prescribes you this medicine. Not doing so may lead to harmful interactions in the body. Pregnant or lactating women should inform the doctor before taking Biocaine. It should be noted that food must be taken only when an hour has passed after consuming this medicine, if it is used in mouth or throat. The medicine may cause impairment of swallowing process and increase the risk of biting the tongue.
Breast-feeding women should completely abstain from using Biocaine. You must discuss all the benefits and potential side effects of this generic medicine with the doctor.
Pregnant women too are recommended to not take this medicine unless it becomes necessary.
People should not apply this on open wounds or other damaged areas as it may lead to side effects arising out of excessive absorption of the ingredients of Biocaine.
Generic Lidocaine injection must use with proper check-up in patients having liver disease.
Don’t Consume this medicine at the time of pregnancy or planning to pregnant.
Don’t Consume this medicine at the time of baby feeding(breastfeeding to born baby).
There are many medicines that have exactly the same composition, form, and strength as generic Lidocaine injection and can be suitably used as its substitute.
some substitute in the different foam are as follow
No. You cannot buy it on your own as it is a schedule H drug in India. You can only purchase if it’s prescribed your doctor.
No. This medication is not safe to be taken into mouth just like that.
There is no relation between driving and consuming Lox Heavy Injection.
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