Betavert 16mg Tablet (Betahistine)
Medicine OverView

Buy Betavert 16mg Tablet generic drug of Betahistineonline at low price from the most trusted pharmacy for Vertigo, Meniere's disease. Get all info about this medication like the review, use, how long does the last Composition, dosage (missed/over), Substitutes, side effect, manufactured by Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd, how it works, Precautions and many more. You can get speedy delivery in the UK, USA, Australia, France, China.
Betavert 16mg tablet belongs to the class antivertigo which helps in the treatment of Meniere's disease which is an inner ear disorder. It is related to that of a natural substance called histamine. This medicine is not suggested in the sick persons with Pheochromocytoma. It contains a generic drug of Betahistine as a main active ingredient.
The complete list of uses and indications for this tablet is as follows
This tablet improves blood flow in the inner ear which reduces the pressure of the excess fluid in the inner ear.
Take this tablet in the dose as suggested by your physician/pharmacist. Swallow it as a whole. Don’t crush or break it. This drug is taken by food or without food, but it is better to take it at a fixed time.
Take the forgotten dose once you remember. However, if it is nearly the time for the next scheduled dose, then the missed dose should be skipped.
Seek emergency medical therapy or contact the specialist or physician in case of an overdose.
The following is a list of possible side effects that may happen from the use of it. These side-effects are possible but don’t always happen. Some of the side-effects may be infrequent but important. Counsel your pharmacist/physician if you detect any of the following side-effects, especially if they do not go away.
Take Betavert tablet as prescribed by the specialist or physician. Do not take this medicine in greater or smaller quantities than recommended. The therapy should be started at lower doses, and the dose should be gradually increased based on the response. Don’t stop taking this medication without informing your doctor.
This drug is not suggested in the sick persons with a problem called Pheochromocytoma.
This medication is not suggested in the sick person having a history of allergy (hypersensitivity) to this tablet.
Liver injury may cause accumulation of this medicine in the body. Any history of liver disease should be described to the physician or pharmacist, and required precautions should be taken to prevent further accumulation.
The betavert tablet may increase the risk of breathing situation. Inform the pharmacist/physician if you have a history of asthma or any lung diseases.
This medicine is not suggested for the kid less than 18 years.
This drug may increase the risk of stomach ulcers. Inform the physician or pharmacist if you have a history of peptic ulcer disease or any gastrointestinal disease. Drink adequate amount of water to inhibit stomach irritation.
It is not suggested for use in pregnant ladies unless necessary. All the risk and benefits should be discussed with the physician or pharmacist before taking this drug.
This tablet is not recommended for use in breastfeeding ladies unless required. All the risks and benefits should be discussed with the physician or pharmacist before taking this drug.
Some tablet needs to be tapered or cannot be stopped immediately because of recover effects. Please counsel with your physician/pharmacist for recommendations specific to your body, health and another medicine that you may be using.
Please counsel with your doctor for case-specific suggestions.
Most of the tablet doesn't come with a potential for addiction or abuse. Usually, government's categorizes medications that can be addictive as controlled substances. Examples contain schedule H or X in India and schedule II-V in the US. Please discuss the product package to make sure that the medication does not belong to such particular categorizations of inhalers. Finally, do not self-medicate and increase your body's dependence on drugs without the advice of a physician or pharmacist.
Please counsel with your specialist for case-specific suggestions.
If you feel drowsiness, dizziness, hypotension or a headache as adverse-effects when using Betavert tablet, then it may not be secured to drive heavy vehicle machinery. One shouldn’t drive a vehicle if we use this medicine then it makes you drowsy, weak or lowers your blood-pressure extensively. The doctor also advises patients not to drink alcohol with medications as liquor intensifies drowsiness adverse-effects. When we used it, then you check for these effects on your body. Always confer with your pharmacist for recommendations particular to your body and health conditions.
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