Misoprost 600mg Tablet (Misoprostol)
Medicine OverView

Buy Misoprost 600mcg tablet Generic drug of Misoprostol online at a low price from most trusted pharmacy to cure Medical abortion, Post-delivery bleeding. Get all detail about this medicine like the review, use, dosage (missed/over), Precautions, Substitutes, side effect, how long does the last Composition, manufactured by Cipla Limited, how it works. You can also get speedy delivery in the USA, UK, Australia, China, France.
Misoprost drug is an effective antiulcer medicine used to prevent the secernment of acid in the stomach. It is primarily used to stop ulcers caused due to non-steroidal pain medicine. This pill can cause uterine contraction and is sometimes used for labor induction and termination of pregnancy.this medication is the composition of Misoprostol, it is an active Ingredient.
If you are taking Misoprost orally, then it is best made with food and doesn’t take antacids that include magnesium along with it. Ask your physician for help in selecting a suitable antacid.
Take this drug only as suggested by the doctor because in some cases, miscarriages caused by this medication are likely to be imperfect which may result in severe medical complications, leading to hospitalization, surgery, and possible physical condition..the proper information about how long does last is provided on the tablet strip/box.
Notify the doctor immediately if unnecessary bleeding occurs.
Take generic drug of Misoprostol precisely as directed by your doctor. If you don’t understand these directions, ask your pharmacist, nurse or doctor to explain them to you.
Take each dosage with a full glass of water.
This drug is usually taken four times a day, with meals and at bedtime. Follow your doctor's instructions.
This medication may cause mild to moderate diarrhea, stomach cramps and/or nausea. These problems usually occur during the first few weeks of treatment and stop after about a week.
Take the missed dose as fast as possible. On the other hand, if it is almost time for the next scheduled dose, then the missed dose can be avoided.
Contact a consultant immediately if an overdose is doubted. Symptoms of overdose may contain sleepiness, diarrhea, severe stomach pain and cramps, fever, decreased pulse, etc.
as per expert reviews, there are some side effects which are as follows
there is some minor side effect of this medication
there is some severe side effect of this drug:
Take Misoprost 600 mcg pill as instructed by the medic. This medication is usually taken with meal times before sleep time. An adequate amount of water must be consumed while taking this medicine. Specific temporary adverse effects like nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain are likely in the few days after you start taking this dose. Consult your doctor if these signs last for more than a week.
This drug should not be used for ulcers caused by the uptake of non steroid pain medication or else by pregnant women. It can cause birth faults, abortions, uterine break, etc.
Misoprost medicine is not suggested for use if you have a history of hypersensitivity to it or any other medication which is prostaglandin analogs.
Use of this tablet has been described to cause germs infections in some patients. Any instance of infection after using this medication should be informed to the specialist.
Use of this drug has been connected with the excessive flow of blood in some patients, and hence any such case should be reported to the doctor.
This medicine has been connected with cases of uterine rupture when used for labor induction in some cases. Caution is guided while using this pill if the patient is in the late thirties and beyond or the delivery is cesarean.
Use of Misoprostol tablets can cause diarrhea and hence would not be co-administered with other diarrhea-causing medications.
Use of this drug is not suggested for women with severe anemia.
The safety and efficacy of Misoprost medicine are not established for patients suffering from heart disease, diabetes, kidney impairment or respiratory disease. Hence, caution is advised in such cases.
This pill should be utilized with caution in patients who are full smokers as the risk of adverse effects is significantly higher.
This medication can cause birth faults, abortions and other severe complications if given to pregnant ladies. So, the use of this medicine for treatment or prevention of ulcers is not recommended. Inform your doctor if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy soon.
Use of this pill for the treatment of ulcers is not suggested for pregnant ladies as the risk of birth faults, abortion and other abnormalities are very high. All ladies of childbearing potential are advised to use adequate means of contraception while using this medicine.
This prescription should be used with caution in women who are breastfeeding. Consult your doctor before taking this medicine.
Some commonly available substitutes for this tablets are given
Yes. This medication is relatively secure if used as recommended. In case of any adverse-effects, consult your physician.
No. this pill is a prescription drug. It is not available or traded over the counter.
Yes. this pill is effective orally.
Yes. this drug is legally available in India
This medication may be taken with Advil (ibuprofen), Vicodin (paracetamol and hydrocodone), and hydrocodone if prescribed by your doctor.
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