Poxet 30mg Tablet (Dapoxetine)
Medicine OverView

Buy Poxet 30mg Tablets Generic drug of Dapoxetine online at a low price from most trusted website to cure Premature Ejaculation. Get all info about this medicine like use, the review, Precautions, Substitutes, dosage (missed/over), how long does the last Composition, side effect, manufactured by Sunrise Remedies Private Limited, how it works, and many more. You can also get speedy delivery in the UK, USA, Australia, France, China.
This tablet is a composition of Dapoxetine drug which is a main active ingredient. It comes in doses of 30mg. This pill is the first medicines to get approved for treating premature ejaculation. This medicine is manufactured by a pharmaceutical company called Sunrise Remedies Private Limited. poxet 30mg pill is a type of medicine which is called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, and it works by inhibiting the reuptake serotonin molecules by presynaptic neurons, and thereby it increases its more effective action on the postsynaptic neurons. Increasing the serotonin levels gets associated with delay of the ejaculation which will then be beneficial for people suffering from premature ejaculations.
Poxet 30mg pill is made from dapoxetine as their active ingredient, and they are used for treating men who suffer from premature ejaculation. It can improve the control of men over their ejaculation and thus will lead to a more satisfying sexual experience. It is a highly powerful drug and hence is considered a prescription drug that should always be taken after consulting a doctor.
this medication contain in 30mg doses. this is specifically used for treating the problem of premature ejaculation which is a common problem for many men. Premature ejaculation gets mediated by serotonin. Low level of serotonin is responsible for causing premature ejaculation. Dapoxetine in Poxet tablets blocks re-uptaking of the serotonin from the synapses which is the gap between the nerve cells across which the nerve cells are made to communicate with each other. Dapoxetine 30mg helps control this serotonin secretion and prevents re-uptaking. Thus this medicine will help men have more control over their ejaculation and will increase their time intervals before they ejaculate while in sexual intercourse. The proper information about how long does it last is printed on the tablet box or the tablet strip.
This drug comes in the mode of tablets each containing 30mg of the active ingredient: dapoxetine. These are an oral pill and should be swallowed in whole with a glass of water. You must not chew them or break them in parts, but swallow them in entirety. It is suggested to you take these drug at least an hour before starting sexual activities. You should have one tablet daily, and you can take this pill either on an empty stomach or after having some food.
your particular case. Take one pill daily, at least an hour before starting sexual intercourse. You should consult your doctor first and then decide which dosage procedure should be followed by you in
In case you miss your daily dose of this medication, it is recommended that you take medicine at a later time before beginning sexual activities.
If you were to ever overdose on the generic drug of dapoxetine 30mg pill, then you must contact your family doctor immediately and get the proper medical attention.
As per the expert review, there are some side effects which are as follows
There are several minor side effects which are as follows
There are several major side effects which are as follows
this tablet is contraindicated for use in certain situations when a man suffers from conditions like reactions of hypersensitivity to the main active ingredients, if he suffers from any cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks, strokes, hypertension or even hypotension, bipolar disorders, suicidal thoughts, bleeding disorders, blood clotting problems, renal problems and kidney issues, and eye problems and diseases.
This drug has to be taken when you have taken some food and are not on an empty stomach. Store the medicine in a dry place and cool place and avoid putting it in sunlight.
You must not drive while taking Poet medication and avoid alcohol entirely. You must be well hydrated when taking this medication. You should take medicine just once every day, and you should limit the amount of alcohol that you consume.
Women must not take this medication at all. Consult your doctor for further information on how to use this drug.
This medicine is a prescription drug, and hence it must only be taken when your doctor has specifically prescribed it for you. People who have chest, liver and heart problems must not take a pill.
This medicine is not recommended for use in pregnant women. Appropriate contraception should be used to avoid getting pregnant during treatment with this medicine. Contact your doctor and discuss the risks if pregnancy is suspected.
This medicine is not recommended for use in breastfeeding women unless necessary. All the risks and benefits should be discussed with the doctor before using this medicine.
Some of the most commonly available substitutes for this medicine are the tablet versions of generic Dapoxetine drugs like
This medicine come in doses of 30mg of Dapoxetine as the main active ingredient. You should consult your doctor before starting with the medication process.
Consult your doctor and take a proper suggestion. People suffering from heart diseases, lung diseases and other pulmonary problems or kidney and digestive issues should not take these tablets.
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