Hepatitis C

Daclahep 60mg Tablet (Daclatasvir)
Packaging : 28 tablets in bottle
Manufactured By : Hetero Dru ...
Our Best Price : $6.85 /Piece
Hepcdac 60mg Tablet (Daclatasvir)
Packaging : 28 tablets in 1 bottle
Manufactured By : Cipla Limited
Our Best Price : $3.05 /Piece
Hepcinat 400mg Tablet (Sofosbuvir)
Packaging : 28 Tablets in Bottle
Manufactured By : Natco Phar ...
Our Best Price : $6.90 /Piece
Hepcinat LP Tablet (Sofosbuvir/Ledipasvir)
Packaging : 28 Tablets in Bottle
Manufactured By : Natco Phar ...
Our Best Price : $10.48 /Piece
Hepcinat Plus Tablet (Sofosbuvir/Daclatasvir)
Packaging : 28 Tablets in bottle
Manufactured By : Natco Phar ...
Our Best Price : $12.86 /Piece
Hepcvel Tablet (Sofosbuvir/Velpatasvir)
Packaging : 28 tablets in 1 bottle
Manufactured By : Cipla Limited
Our Best Price : $10.48 /Piece
Hepcvir 400mg Tablet (Sofosbuvir)
Packaging : 28 tablets in 1 bottle
Manufactured By : Cipla Limited
Our Best Price : $8.69 /Piece
Hepcvir L Tablet (Sofosbuvir/Ledipasvir)
Packaging : 28 Tablets in bottle
Manufactured By : Cipla Limited
Our Best Price : $11.79 /Piece
Ledifos Tablet (Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir)
Packaging : 28 Tablets in bottle
Manufactured By : Hetero Dru ...
Our Best Price : $9.40 /Piece
You may have heard about the Hepatitis C which is a type of disease that can cause inflammation and infection of the liver. This disease can also damage the liver of an individual. Most of the people are suffering from this disease and want to cure it as soon as possible. Hepatitis C is highly contagious, and it can be either acute or chronic. The blood to blood contact with someone who has been infected by HCV can lead to the occurrence of this disease. It can also be spread by many other ways that you can read later in this post.
Hepatitis C is considered as so damaging, and there are lots of reasons behind it. One of the major cause is that people can have it for years without knowing about it. Sometimes the symptoms of the Hepatitis C can’t be noticed until it reaches to the advanced level. Many symptoms of Hepatitis C can help you to know whether you are affected by the disease or not. There are the symptoms of Hepatitis C are discussed below-
- stomach pain
- fatigue
- diarrhea
- loss of appetite
- fever
- dark color urine
Additionally, there are many other symptoms that you can notice with ease. It is good to understand all these symptoms to treat the disease in its early stages. It would help if you didn't ignore the signs in the early stages because it can lead to some severe problems in the future. Consulting with a doctor is also important to diagnose the issues with ease. It would help if you didn't wait until it reaches to the advanced levels for taking the treatments.
A virus named HCV can cause the Hepatitis C. This virus transmits through the blood-to-blood contact. Most of the people have many misconceptions regarding this disease that it can spread through the casual touch. Well, it is not true because the virus never transmits through the casual contact, sharing food or by kissing. It can be spread through the organ transplants, blood transfusion, sharing needles, etc.
There are many complications associated with the Hepatitis C which includes liver cancer and cirrhosis. Some people with the Hepatitis C may also need a liver transplant. People need some treatments to cope up with this disease and even to get rid of the health issues. A good treatment plan can easily reduce all the complication and make you healthy and free from these diseases.
If you are exposed to the Hepatitis C, then it is not easy to determine it at the earlier stages. Well, in this stage, the infection is called as acute, and the people with this infection don't have the symptoms.
It is the reason that most of the people don’t know that they have been infected. If you are noticing some symptoms such as fever, fatigue, etc., then you can quickly diagnose it. On the other hand, people who have a known exposure need to be monitored closely and also need a needle-stick injury for the treatments.
Cases can decide on the treatment. Consulting with a doctor is the right solution that can help a patient to eliminate all the problems with ease. It is good to take the treatments which are suggested by the healthcare professionals. With the consultation of the doctors, patients can easily cope up with the Hepatitis C infection and improve their health condition.
More information about treatments
As you read earlier about the treatments for Hepatitis C, there is much other information that you should gather from this paragraph. All of the people who are infected with the Hepatitis C may not need the treatments. The people infected with Hepatitis C are classified into two different groups by their immune system. You can read these details in the below-mentioned points-
- If you are infected with this disease but your immune system can fight against it and to eliminate the infection then you don’t need to worry. In this case, your family doctor will monitor the functions of the liver from time to time with the help of the blood tests. You don't need to take any treatments.
- People who have immune systems which are not able to clear the infection should take help from the treatments. Various types of medicine can help you with the severe liver damages as well as scarring. Choose the type of treatment that doesn’t have many side effects that can affect your health.
It is good to consult with your doctor or professionals for getting the best advice for the treatments to get over the Hepatitis C infection.
- Hepatitis C can be spread in any methods, and it is essential to check them out to reduce the risk of this disease. To know how it can be spread, you need to read some of the vital information which is underlined.
- The Hepatitis C can be spread by the exposure of the infected blood as well as from the contaminated blood on the needles.
- This infection can also be spread from a mother to her unborn baby. If this disease infects a mother, then there are more chances that her baby will also get affected by the infection.
- The sexual intercourse is one of the reasons behind the occurrence of the Hepatitis C. if you are going to intimate with an infected person then it is essential to use a condom to reduce the chances of getting infected.
- There is no transmission of the Hepatitis C by the casual contact, coughing, sneezing or kissing. It is advised for the people who are living in a family not to use the same shaving razors, toothbrushes or nail clippers.
- The Hepatitis C can also be transmitted from an organ donor to an organ recipient. It is important to test the organs of the donor first whether Hepatitis C infects it or not.
- All of these things as mentioned above need to be considered by an individual. With the help of this, they can understand the right methods to eliminate the risks that can cause them the Hepatitis infection. The above information can also help the people to know the main reasons that can lead the Hepatitis C infection in their body.
Hepatitis C affects other organs of the body
No doubt, the Hepatitis C’s symptoms are mainly related to the liver. Well, it can also affect the other organs of the body of an individual as along with the liver. Due to the Hepatitis C, the body of an individual can cause the body to produce different abnormal antibodies that are known as cryoglobulins. It can also damage the joints, kidneys as well as the skin of a person. Patients with cryoglobulins can even notice some symptoms which are listed below-
- joint pain
- arthritis
- generalized pain or swelling in the body
- The Purple rash on the legs.
With the help of all of the symptoms, one can quickly come to know about their health condition. It is essential to consider these symptoms to see if you are affected by the Hepatitis C or not. It can also help you to start the treatments to cure the diseases with ease.
Transmission of the Hepatitis C can be prevented, but one should consider many things for it. It is good to educate the people about the needle exchange programs to reduce the risks related to the Hepatitis C. well, the rates of Hepatitis C is high among the IV drug users. More than one of the tips that you should check out are listed in the below-given article. With the help of all the tips, you can quickly stop the transmission of Hepatitis C infection which is advantageous.
Here are some tips which everyone should take into consideration to reduce the transmission of the Hepatitis C infection –
Needle sharing
the accidental needle-stick can cause the risk of having Hepatitis C infection. It is good to know about the safe needle-usage techniques to get rid of all the issues with ease. With the use of the newer needles, the manual recapping of the syringes can be prevented. It is good to learn all about it to cope up with issues that can transmit the infection from one to another.
Mother to the fetus
well, there is no any way to stop the transmission of the infection from the mother to the fetus. It is the main reason that you need to pay proper attention while you are giving birth to a new baby. Most of the time, the infection of a mother can be transmitted in her newborn baby which is the main reason for worries.
Use condoms or protection
if you have multiple sex partners, then you should use the precautions to the reduce the risks related to the transmission of Hepatitis C. it is not only useful for the prevention of this infection but also for other sexually transmitted diseases. If your partner is infected, then there are a few chances of the transmission of the diseases during the sex.
Don’t share certain items
To reduce the chances of the transmission of the Hepatitis C infection, you shouldn't share some items with others. An infected person shouldn't allow others to use their razors, toothbrush, etc. these items are contaminated with the blood. It is important to keep this thing in mind because it is a common mistake that people always ignore.
Choose a licensed tattoo shop
if you are not paying attention while going to get a tattoo or piercing, then it is not good. You may don't know the fact that it can also lead to the infections which can affect your health. It is good to choose a legal tattoo shop and also try to know whether they are using the infection control practices or not.
After knowing all of these important factors that can help in the prevention of the Hepatitis C infection, you can take many benefits. These can also assist you to stay away from the risks of getting infected which are one of the best advantages. By considering all these vital information in mind, one can quickly lower the chances of getting infected.
In the end, the Hepatitis C is mainly carried through the blood. It is the reason that it can't easily spread as like the other infections or diseases. There are many treatments for it, but all of them have some side effects. It would help if you went for regular checkups to know whether you are infected with Hepatitis C or not. It is good to take the right treatments in the earlier stages to eliminate the problems as soon as possible.