Hepcinat LP Tablet (Sofosbuvir/Ledipasvir)
Medicine OverView

Buy Hepcinat LP tablet Generic drug of Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir online a low price from most trusted pharmacy to cure Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Get all info about this medicine like the review, Substitutes, use, dosage (missed/over), how long does the last Composition, manufactured by Natco Pharma Ltd, side effect, how it works, Precautions and many more. You can also get speedy delivery in the UK, USA, Australia, France, China.
This drug is a composition of two antiviral drugs Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir in a single form which is apply for to treat chronic Hepatitis C virus (HCV). Each of the original tablets contains ledipasvir 90 mg and sofosbuvir 400 mg and sometimes used with another antiviral medicine ribavirin.
The combination of all these drugs helps in reducing the Hepatitis C virus in the body, and as a result, the immune system of the body is enhanced to fight the infection and to recover the health of the liver. Therefore it is the most effective measure to prevent the spread of HCV in your body. Moreover, eventually, recover from the disease.
If one has any kind of health issue like any problem of liver or kidney, especially if one is undergoing the therapy of dialysis, he or she must not be advised to consume this medicine. One must also inform the doctor about any other health problems if he or she is suffering from or about the drugs which are regularly consumed before taking medicine for treating Hepatitis C.
These are the most important precautionary measures to avert any counter drug reaction. It is also essential for preventing any adverse effect of the medicine.
Hepcinat LP is apply for to treat chronic Hepatitis C infection in an adult. Hepatitis C is one of those viruses that cause viral hepatitis which is an inflammation of the liver that eventually may cause liver cancer in due course of time. Unlike Hepatitis A or B, it is highly contagious and does not have any vaccine although research works are in full swing all over the world to create one for the disease.
There are two kinds of Hepatitis C, one is acute, and the other is chronic. When the virus infects one, it is quite difficult to detect as it rarely shows any symptoms. In this initial stage, it is recognized as an acute kind of Hepatitis which may sustain for a even months or few weeks in worst cases.
It is a high possibility that the disease will turn into chronic in due course of time as it happens in most of the facts. It is found that up to 85% of the patients, who are infected with acute Hepatitis C, are not able to eliminate the virus and eventually become chronically affected by the disease.
Although the disease does not show any initial symptoms in most of the cases, one can observe some minor symptoms like fatigues, poor appetite, nausea, stomach pain and diarrhea or muscle and joint pains. In those cases, it is very important to detect the Hepatitis C virus quite in an early stage if it is there at all, and it can only be discovered by spotting a problem with liver enzymes only through a routine blood test.
If the virus runs in your blood for 20 to 30 years, there is a high possibility that it may create a scar in one's liver which is called cirrhosis of the liver and it may eventually lead to liver cancer. In such situation, one will show the symptom of fluid retention in abdomen along with Jaundice.
Hepcinat LP is a combination of two antiviral drugs which are ledipasvir and sofosbuvir. In a single pill, there are 90 mg Ledipasvir and 400 mg Sofosbuvir. Sometimes they are used with another antiviral drug Ribavirin.
Sofosbuvir inhibits the RNA polymerase which is used by the Hepatitis C virus to replicate its RNA. Ledipasvir, on the other hand, inhibits a very important viral phosphoprotein, NS5A, which has a key role in viral replication and secretion.
Thus, these antiviral drugs reduce the amount of hepatitis C virus in the body by removing them from the blood. As a result of that, the immune system of the body is improved to have better combat with the infection of the virus, and the condition of the liver also starts getting better. That is why; Hepcinat LP is one of the essential drugs in combating the deadly disease Hepatitis C.
The proper information about how long does it last is printed on the medicine box or the tablet strip.
While having Hepcinat LP 400 mg/90 mg pill, you are consuming two antiviral drugs together. You will have Sofosbuvir of 400 mg and Ledipasvir 90 mg in a single dose.
One may consume the medicine, with or without food. However, it must be taken at the same time of each day.
For an adult patient, one drug per day is usually prescribed by the doctor depending on the condition of the patient.
The treatment may continue from 8 to 24 weeks depending upon the condition of the patient if the patient has got cirrhosis of liver or not. The final decision will, of course, be taken by the doctor considering all the related factors of the patient.
If you are a doctor ever think that you have got an overdose of the medicine, he or she will read just your dose after considering all of your conditions.
In case of a missed dose, you need to continue the medicine at the same time as the following day in the same way.
Whenever you have any of these symptoms, you must contact and inform that immediately to your doctor.
As per the expert’s review, there are a few side effects of these medicine. They are as follows
There are some Major side-effects associated with the use of this drug which is as follows
Some of the most common side effects are
At first, you need to be diagnosed in a certain way that you have got a hepatitis C virus to consume Hepcinat LP medication. Also, before consuming the drug, you must tell your doctor if you are allergic to either of the medicines you are prescribed to tablet. Once the treatment starts, you need to be very watchful if you are affected by any side effects which are already mentioned above. In such case, you must contact your doctor immediately and need to stop the medicine at the earliest and re-examine your medication.
This medication is not required for use in patients with a known hypersensitivity to this drugs or any ergot alkaloids or any other components present along with it.
This medicine is not required for use in patients with uncontrolled hypertension due to the increased risk of serious cardiovascular adverse effects.
This drug is not recommended to a pregnant lady unless necessary. All the risks and benefits should be discussed with the doctor before using this medicine.
This drug is not suggested for use in breastfeeding lady unless essential. All the risks and benefits should be discussed with the family doctor before using this medication. Your family doctor may prescribe a safer alternative based on your clinical condition. If the dose is used, monitor the infant closely for any adverse effects.
The substitutes available in the market which are follows
Hepcinat can be used for both Hepatitis C and HIV. However, one must consult the doctor before using the drug for both the disease.
It is never safe to use Hepcinat during pregnancy. Therefore, it is up to your doctor to decide if you are to use it in case of an emergency requirement.
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