Aldactone 100mg Tablet (Spironolactone)
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Buy Aldactone 100mg Tablets Generic drug of Spironolactone online at a low price from most trusted pharmacy to cure High blood pressure, Oedema. Get all info about this medicine like use, side effect, dosage (missed/over), Substitutes, the review, how long does the last Composition, Precautions, manufactured by RPG Life Science Ltd, how it works, and many more. You can also get speedy delivery in the UK, France, China, USA, Australia.
This medicine is a composition of Spironolactone; it is the main ingredient.It is available in 100mg. It is used in various treatments like high blood pressure or heart failure, which in turn helps in reducing the events of stroke or heart attack. It is even helpful in specific kidney problems as well as edema. It is not an over the counter drug meaning you would need a doctor’s prescription to take this. Only a family doctor can tell you if you need this treatment or not.
Majorly it is used in treating low blood pressure. It is also used in reducing edema which may cause breathing problems. Any (swelling) is handled via this drug. Edema happens due to water retention. In certain other conditions like heart attack or stroke or kidney related issues, Aldactone 100mg pill has been found useful.
Spironolactone 100mg drug work as a potassium-sparing diuretic. It eliminates excessive water and electrolytes (sparing potassium) from the body bringing blood pressure to an average level. It has to be taken along with other blood pressure lowering medications. Edema is usually due to high blood pressure. These pills tend to reduce edema, which in turn is helpful in lowering blood pressure too.the proper information about how long does last is provided on the tablet strip or tablet box
Aldactone 100mg pill an oral pill, taken with water. If the tablet leads to an upset stomach, it is advised to take it either with food or milk. It is advisable to take this medication early in the morning. There is a liquid version as well, shake it well before taking the recommended dose. The timing of the treatment should remain the same, to have maximum effect. This tablet should regularly be taken, do not stop it until you have talked with your doctor.
The dose is recommended by the doctor based on the reports and blood pressure reading. Weight and age also play a part in deciding the dosage. Also, the severity of the condition plays a role in it. The dosage cannot be altered without a doctor’s consultation.
If you missed the dose, then take it as soon as possible. If it is time for next dose of the tablet, then skip it. Though it is highly ill-advised to skip a dose one cannot even have two doses at a single time. A medication like this one needs to be taken without any breaks. If required, you can set the alarm for every dose that you choose.
If one has taken an overdose of this drug, it is recommended to call for an ambulance immediately. The symptoms of an overdose may worsen, and things may turn out to be critical.
Aldactone 100mg pill may have a counter effect on patients who have a kidney problem, as more potassium in the body may turn out to be harmful. These side effects may or may not occur. It is just a list jotting down few of the side effects to be aware of medicine. Most people do not experience any of the side mentioned above results. If you experience any discomfort be sure to take it up with your doctor instead of just ignoring it. as per expert reviews, there are some side effects which are as follows
Most common Minor side effects are as follows
Most common Major side effects are as follows
If these effects have been consistent for a specific time period, it is important to see a doctor immediately, or things might get worse.
Any allergy, if there, then it must be made aware of to the doctor before starting these pills. It may interact with specific other medication given to treat electrolyte imbalance, kidney or liver problems. So, one must provide a detailed and extensive medical history to the doctor.
Since this drug increases the level of potassium so one must limit their food intake or the supplement that might lead to a further increase in it. It is important to remember that the dosage of Spironolactone medicine cannot be altered at will.
You need to ask your doctor before you can change the dosage of the same. Do not stop taking this medication at will. The repercussions of staying this medicine without proper guidance could be fatal.
Let the doctor know about the medical history before starting his medication
This medicine will accrue the potassium levels in the blood. Therefore, it is advised to avoid potassium- potatoes, banana(fatty foods) and drugs that can increase the potassium levels (ACE inhibitors and potassium supplements).
Aldactone 100mg pill is not recommended in patients with diabetes due to increase in the potassium levels and increases the risk of irregular heart rhythm.
This medicine is not recommended for a pregnant lady.
This medicine is not recommended in breastfeeding women.
Some of the alternative tablets available are
It is found to be quite useful in reducing the blood pressure by eliminating excess water and salt from the body, sparing potassium to increase the blood pressure. It should be taken at the right time and amount to be sufficient enough.
It is not a hormone but a synthetic steroid. It works by blocking a hormone called aldosterone. It also affects testosterone.
It is a diuretic and works as a potassium-sparing diuretic.
Getting these medications without proper medication is hard. One cannot have these from a chemist or a pharmacist without a correct prescription.
ISo far the results have been positive. The use of this medicine in prescribed dose and duration has been found to be safe.
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