Glizid 40mg Tablet (Gliclazide)
Medicine OverView

Buy Glizid 40mg and 80mg Tablets Generic drug of Gliclazide online a low price from most trusted pharmacy to cure Type 2 diabetes. Get all info about this medicine like the review, use, side effect, dosage (missed/over), how long does the last Composition, Substitutes, manufactured by Panacea Biotech Ltd., how it works, Precautions. You can also get speedy delivery in the USA, UK, Australia, France, China.
Glizid 40mg, the 80mg tablet is used for Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus and other conditions. this pill may also be used for purposes not recorded in this medication guide.
This drug is specified for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. It is used in addition to exercise and diet to improve blood sugar control in adults with type 2 diabetes.
This tablet works by increasing the amount of insulin released by the pancreas.
Take this pill in the dose and advised by your specialist. Swallow it as a whole. Do not chew, crush or break it. This drug is to be taken with food.
Take the forgot dose as quickly as you remember with food. If you miss a dose of Glizid medicine. If it is time for the next scheduled dose, then the missed dose can be skipped.
It is suggested to discontinue the drug and contact your specialist immediately if an overdose is suspected. Symptoms like increased heartbeat, dizziness, confusion, tremor and sweating after taking medicine should be reported immediately.
If you experience any of the following while taking this tablet, you should contact your physician immediately:
Take Glizid tablet as directed by your specialist. Follow the instructions mentioned on the label. The pill should be taken the first meal of the day or orally with breakfast. An adequate amount of water should be swallowed while taking this medication.
Avoid taking this drug if you have a known hypersensitivity to this medicine or any other drug belonging to the class sulphonylureas.
Avoid taking this medication if you have repeated episodes of diabetic ketoacidosis.
Avoid taking this medication in patients with impaired kidney function or history of severe kidney injury.
Glizid 80mg tablet is not suggested in the patients with hypoglycemia as it increases the risk of lowering of blood glucose levels. Inform the specialist if you experience any symptoms like dizziness, confusion or weakness.
This medication is not suggested in the patients suffering from severe kidney impairment.
This pill is not indicated in the patients suffering from acute liver impairment.
This pill is not indicated in the patients with glucose-6-phosphate (G6PD) deficiency due to the risk of developing hemolytic anemia.
This medicine is not suggested for use in pregnant women unless absolutely necessary. Talk about all the risks and benefits with your specialist before taking this medication. Your specialist may prescribe a safer alternative based on your clinical condition.
This drug is not suggested for use in breastfeeding women. Your specialist may prescribe a safer alternative based on your clinical condition.
No. Continue using this drug until your specialist advises you to stop using it. Suddenly discontinuation would lead to changes in the blood sugar levels.
Avoid exposure to sunlight also moisture and Store the drug at room temperature.
No, it would help if you did not alter the dose of this drug unless instructed by the specialist.
Consumption of alcohol is not suggested when you are taking this medication. Do not perform activities that require mental alertness like driving a vehicle. Inform the specialist if you experience any undesired effect.
This medicine is not suggested for use in pregnant women unless absolutely necessary. Discuss all the advantages and risks with your specialist before taking this drug. Your specialist may prescribe a safer alternative based on your clinical situation.
This medication is not suggested for use in breastfeeding women. Your specialist may prescribe a safer alternative based on your clinical condition.
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