Elinide 500mg Tablet (Nitazoxanide)
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Buy Alinia Generic DT 200mg,500 mg Generic drug of Nitazoxanide online at a reasonable price from most trusted website to cure Diarrhoea, Worm infections. Get all information regarding this medicine like the review, use, Substitutes, side effect, Composition, dosage (Missed/Over), Precautions, manufactured by HAB Ltd, how it works, how long does last and many more.You can also get fast delivery in USA, Australia, France, China, UK.
This medicine and powder for oral suspension contain the active ingredient Nitazoxanide, a synthetic antiparasitic agent for oral administration. This drug is a light yellow colored crystalline powder. It is poorly soluble in ethanol and insoluble in water. Chemically this pill is a 2-acetyloxy-N-(5-nitro-2-thiazolyl). The molecular weight is 307.3, and The molecular formula is C12H9N3O5S. This medicine is contraindicated in patients with a prior hypersensitivity to Nitazoxanide.
Following oral administration in humans, this medication is rapidly hydrolyzed to an active metabolite, Tizoxanide. Tizoxanide than primarily by glucuronidation undergoes conjugation
The antiprotozoal activity of Nitazoxanide is trust to be due to interference with the PFOR ( pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase )enzyme-dependent electron transfer reaction which is essential to anaerobic energy metabolism, Studies have shown that the PFOR enzyme from Giardia lamblia directly reduces nitazoxanide by transfer of electrons in the absence of ferredoxin.
The DNA derived PFOR protein sequence of cryptosporidium appears to be similar to that of Giardia lamblia. Interference with the PFOR enzyme-dependent electron transfer response may not be the only pathway by which this medication exhibits antiprotozoal activity.
As directed by a physician or as follow:
Information Alinia Generic overdosage is not available, In acute studies in rodent and oral LD50 was strong than 10,000 mg/kg. One dose of up to 4000 mg generic drug of Nitazoxanide in a tablet formulation has been administered to fit adult volunteers without significant and adverse effect. In the event of overdose, gastric lavages may be appropriate soon after oral administration. The sufferer should be carefully observed and supportive treatment and given symptomatic.
This medication was very well tolerated, and only minimal side effect such as a headache, nausea, abdominal discomfort was recorded, with no significant changes in the hematological and clinical chemistry values.
A minor event occurring in less than 1% of the patients participating in clinical trials are listed below:
A major side effect is below,
Alinia Generic 500: Each film coated tablet contains
Nitazoxanide 500 mg
Alinia Generic DT: Each film coated tablet contains
Nitazoxanide 200 mg
Alinia Generic pill for oral suspension should be taken with food. Diabetic patients and caregivers should be aware that the oral suspension contains 1.5gm of sucrose per 5 ml.
Interaction with other medicinal products and another form of infection Tizoxanide, an active metabolite of this drug, is highly bound to plasma protein. hence, caution should be used when administering this medication concurrently with other high plasma protein-bound drugs with small therapeutic indices, as competition for binding sites may occur. but, No clinical studies have been conducted to specifically exclude the possibility of interaction between this drug and other medicinal products.
The pharmacokinetic of Alinia Generic 200 in patients with compromised renal or hepatic function have not been studied. Therefore this medicine must be administered with caution to a patient with the hepatic and biliary disease to a patient with renal disease with combined renal and hepatic disease.
Pregnancy, Teratogenic effect, Pregnancy Category B: Reproduction studied have been performed at a dose up to 3200 mg/kg/day in rats and 100 mg/kg/day in rabbits and had revealed no evidence of impaired fertility or harm to the fetus due to this medication, There are, however no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women.
It is not well known whether this drug is excreted in person milk, cause many are excreted in human milk when this drug is administered to a nursing woman.
Store this pill in cool and dry places, Protect from light
Alinia Generic 500: Film-coated Tablets in a blister pack of 6 pills
Alinia Generic DT 200: uncoated DisTablets in a blister pack of 6 pills
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