Combigan Eye Drop (Timolol/Brimonidine)
Medicine OverView

Buy Combigan 5ml Eye Drop Generic drug of Timolol 5mg/Brimonidine 2mg online at a low price from the most trusted website to cure Ocular hypertension, Glaucoma. Get all info about this medicine like use, side effect, dosage (missed/over), Precautions, the review, how long does the last Composition, manufactured by Allergan India Pvt Ltd, Substitutes, how it works, and many more. You can also get speedy delivery in the UK, France, USA, Australia, China.
This medication is a Composition of a mixture of Brimonidine5mg and Timolol 2mg. Brimonidine reduces the volume of fluid in the eye, which decreases pressure inner the eye. Timolol is a beta-blocker while Brimonidine is a sympathomimetic.
it is utilized in the treatment of glaucoma
Combigan 5ml Eye Drop is a mixture of two medicine: Timolol and Brimonidine. Timolol is a beta-blocker, and Brimonidine is a sympathomimetic that reduces pressure inside the eye.
This eye drop is for external use only. Take it in the dose and duration as advised by your physician or adviser. Check the label for directions before use. Hold the dropper close to the eye/ear without touching it. Gently squeeze the dropper and place the medicine inside the lower eyelid or ear. Wipe off extra liquid.
FDA pregnancy classification C. It isn't known whether Combigan will hurt an unborn child. Tell your primary care physician in the event that you are pregnant or plan to get pregnant while utilizing this medicine.
The suggested dose is a single drop of this drop in the affected eye twice daily approximately 12 hours apart.
If You miss, take the missed dose as soon as you remind. Don’t apply in huge volume to make for the missed dose.
Since this eye drop is for external use only, the chance of an overdose is highly unlikely. However, the internal consumption of this eye drop should be avoided.
The most common side effects of consuming this pill. you must consult with your doctor without any delay. as per expert reviews, there are some side effects which are as follows
The following are the several common side effects of Brimonidine + Timolol combination:
The following are the significant side effects, and you need urgent medical attention:
This is not a list of side effects. Please consult your physician or adviser to know more about other possible side effects.
This eye drop is to be used only as a topical treatment for the eyes; however, as with many eye drops, it is absorbed into the bloodstream.
These side effects include shortness of : Breath, Dizziness, Lightheadedness, Skin rash, Slow heartbeat.
Pregnancy: Combigan eye drop shouldn’t be used during pregnancy unless the benefits outweigh the risks. If you become pregnant while taking this eye drop, contact your physician or adviser immediately.
Breastfeeding: Timolol passes into breast milk after being used as an eye drop. It isn’t known if brimonidine passes into human breast milk. If you are a breastfeeding mother and use brimonidine - timolol, it may affect your baby. Tell your physician or adviser about whether you should continue breastfeeding.
Children: The secure and effectiveness of using this medicine haven’t been established for children.
Before you begin using eye drops, be sure to inform your physician or adviser of any allergies you may have, any medicine you are taking, whether you are pregnant, breastfeeding and any other significant fact about your fitness. This element may affect how you should use these eye drops.
Avoid using the medication if you are allergic to Brimonidine + Timolol combination or similar drugs.
Don’t drive or operate large machinery if Brimonidine + Timolol combination causes blurred vision.
If you use more than one drug, leave a gap of 5 to 10 minutes before you instill another eye drops.
Avoid using Brimonidine + Timolol combination eye drops if the contents of the bottle have any particles.
It has crossed the expiry date of the eye drop printed on the packet.
The foil or striping is torn or shows a symptom of tampering, or there is discoloration.
Keep the medicine out of the distance of children.
The available substitutes for this medication are:
I was diagnosed with open-ended Glaucoma 3 years back. Undergone Lasik which worked fine earlier. Recently I have blurry vision. Eye pressure right was 30 and left 22. Doc suggestion eye drops twice a day.
It is suggested two times a day.
Brimonidine + Timolol mixture eye drop should be stored at room temperature far from heat and moisture.
Consult your doctor before using Brimonidine + Timolol combination eye drops along with any other topical ophthalmic medication.
Consult your doctor before using Brimonidine + Timolol combination medicine while having an eye infection.
It is not advisable to use an extra dose of Brimonidine + Timolol combination than suggested.
Discontinue the use of Brimonidine + Timolol combination medicine and consult a doctor immediately if you experience persistent eye irritation.
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