C-NAC Eye Drop (Carboxymethylcellulose/N-Acetyl-Carnosine)
Medicine OverView

Buy C-NAC Eye Drop generic drug of Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose /N-Acetyl-Carnosine online at a low price from the most trusted pharmacy for Dry eyes. Get all info about this medication like the use, review, how long does the last Composition, dosage (missed/over), Substitutes, side effect, manufactured by Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Precautions, how it works, and many more. You can get speedy delivery in the USA, UK, France, Australia, China.
C-NAC eye drops containing the generic active ingredients sodium carboxymethylcellulose, and N-Acetyl-Carnosine provides a safe, long term treatment for cataracts. The eye drops have been clinically demonstrating to work as an alternative to surgery for the treatment and even reversal of definite eye situations such as senile cataracts. The lubrication factor can help save the eyes against dry eyes, irritation and carry more of the medication into the eye.
C-NAC eye drops are used to treat a variety of eye conditions, including disorders affecting the cornea, dry eye syndrome and pinguecula. Many people believe that they may be helpful as a senile cataract treatment. Other uses include treating open-angle primary glaucoma, presbyopia, diseases of the retina and other conditions which are not mentioned here.
This medicine is utilized for the temporary relief of burning, irritation, pricking sensation of the eyes due to dryness.
This drug is also used as an eye protectant to prevent any further irritation.
C-Nac Eye Drop is a mixture of three medicines: Carboxymethylcellulose, Glycerin, and n-acetylcarnosine which treat dry eyes. Carboxymethylcellulose and Glycerin are lubricants. They work same to natural tears and provide temporary relaxation from burning and discomfort due to dryness of the eye. n-acetylcarnosine is is an antioxidant which prevents the formation of cataracts in the eye.
C-NAC medicine is for outer use only. Take it in the dose and duration as advised by your physician. Inspect the label for instruction before use. Hold the dropper close to the eye/ear without touching it. Softly squeeze the dropper and place the medication inside the lower eyelid or ear. Wipe off extra liquid.
Take the missed dose as early as you remember. Do not put on in large quantities to make for the missed dose.
Since C-NAC medicine is for external use only, the chance of an overdose is highly unlikely. However, the internal consumption of this drug should be avoided.
This medication should be applied with caution following all the instructions present on the label. Wash your hands before use and take suitable precautionary measures to prevent contamination of the container.
C-NACmedicine is not recommended for use if you have a history of allergy to the active constituent or any other ingredient present along with it.
This drug should be used for external applications alone. Internal consumption can lead to dangerous side effects.
This medicine can cause temporary blurring of vision, and hence you should refrain from driving or using heavy machinery directly after applying it.
Do not touch the tip of the container with any surface. The cap should be tightly closed post use. Appropriate precautions should be taken to prevent the contamination of the container.
This drug can be used by pregnant women.
This medicine can be used by breastfeeding women.
No, the drops are delivered precisely from the vial without the need for syringes. You will want to stay your pet quiet while applying the drops and prevent him/her from shaking the drops out of the eye. Many pet owners find that it is easiest to lightly pinch the degrade lid between thumb and forefinger creating a little pocket to apply the eye drop to, then lightly rest your hand over the face of your pet to keep him/her calm and to ensure full absorption.
Due to the optimal PH levels of this formulation there should be definitely no stinging effects. Many owners inform us that their pets begin to act eager when it is time to apply these soothing eye drops.
With this formula, used in 10 years of human and animal clinical trials, there have been no reported side effects or contra-indications, even when used every day for up to 2 years. Generally, the use of this natural anti-oxidant formulation is soothing and improves the overall environment in the eye.
The cataract is often fully altered. With very mature cataract there is at least very significant improvement in eyesight however complete reversal may not be possible depending upon the severity of the situation. Improvement in your pet’s behavior and negotiation abilities is normally a good indicator of the desired result being achieved.
All customers who use the product per guidance will see improvements in their pet’s cataract condition. The level of results can vary relying upon the maturity of the cataract at the outset of treatment. Additionally, injury-induced dog cataracts and dog cataracts that outcome from steroid medications or diabetes can be more resistant and can take longer to respond to the product. The consistency of application is even more critical to success in the scenarios mentioned above and can mean the contrast between minimal results and excellent results.
Glycerol should be kept in a cool, dry place and its original pack. Make sure this medication residue unreachable to children and pets. The patient should consult a doctor for its further uses and side effects and should notify the doctor about any continuing medications and treatment before using to avoid undesirable consequences. It is a prescribed drug.
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