Malegra FXT Plus Tablet (Sildenafil/Fluoxetine)
Medicine OverView

Buy Malegra FXT PLUS tablet Generic drug of Sildenafil Citrate /fluoxetine online at a reasonable price from most trusted website to cure erectile dysfunction. Get all information regarding this medicine like the review, use, Precautions, dosage (Missed/Over), Composition, Substitutes, side effect, manufacture by Sunrise Remedies, how it works, how long does last and many more. You can also get fast delivery in UK, USA, Australia, France, and China.
This is a powerful medication like viagra that helps to treat men overcome their problems of erectile dysfunction and also PED so that they can enjoy their love making sessions without experiencing any form of penile problems. Consuming the medication up to a moderate level will enable you to get the most satisfaction from your sexual activity.
The dual active formula is a wonderful treatment for relying on to get relief from penile issues. Consuming this drug will help you to experience outstanding sexual activity and have long lasting erections. Ideally, this drug is to be taken at least half an hour before you begin your sexual activity.
There are an effective solution for men suffering from physical impotence, it gives quick results and improves ejaculation control and boosts up the erectile abilities in men.
It is used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men. It is a greatly powerful and effective drug which will boost the libido in males and also improve their overall sexual health. It will improve the blood flow in the genitals which will result in a more prolonged and satisfactory sexual activity.
The problem of erectile dysfunction is becoming more and more common in men from all around the world. The sexual disorders in males can get easily treated with these high quality drugs. Malegra FXT PLUS is a wonderful double formula treatment which can help men to be sexually active and achieve sexual potency.
The tablets are available in the form of pills and they should be consumed in whole without crushing or breaking them.
The Fluoxetine in the drug helps to improve the ejaculation ability in men and the sildenafil citrate is a powerful treatment for treating erectile disabilities.
Impotence in men can get reduced with this drug and will help men perform sexual intercourse without any worried.
It should be consumed in whole without them getting broken into bits. They should be taken orally with a glass of plain water and swallowed in whole. It is suggested that you take this drug at least an hour to half an hour before you commence with sexual activities.
The pill is to be taken prior to sexual arousal and not during the act of sexual intercourse. Consuming any form of hard drinks or alcohol will lower and reduce the effectiveness of this medicine. Nitrates have to be avoided at all costs. Iso-sorbides should also be avoided because they will react internally badly with the components of this medicine.
You are suggested to consume only light meals and foods which are low in fat when you are under this medication. It is prescription drugs, and you should take them only after you have consulted with a doctor and he is apprised of your previous medical history. The doctor will recommend to you the necessary dosage. Ideally, these tablets should be taken just once every day.
If you have missed your daily dosage of this tablets, then you should be first contacting your doctor and then take his or her advices. But you can always have the pills later on, at least half an hour before beginning sexual intercourse.
In case of overdosing on drugs, you must contact your doctor immediately.
As per the expert’s review, there are a few side effects of these tablets. They are as follows
It have some side effects which are as follows
These are all temporary though and will be reduced in their effects with time.
Major side effects of this medication are as follows
Hence, you must always take this drug after consulting your doctors. This is only a prescription drug.
Medication Sildenafil Citrate 100mg and Fluoxetine 60mg composed pills are not at all safe for consumption when someone has kidney or liver issues, epilepsy or even leukaemia. Men who have possess a history of getting heart diseases and other cardiovascular issues, or a blood pressure condition and are taking medicines for treating such conditions should absolutely not consume medicine.
High doses of Malegra FXT Plus medicine are absolutely not safe for those men who are allergic to the components of the parent ingredient Sildenafil Citrate 100mg and Fluoxetine 60mg in the pill.
this medicine should only be taken just once every day, the dosage would depend on what your doctor prescribes.
It should be taken only before you are sexually aroused and not during the act of sexual intercourse.
Malegra is a prescription drug; it should only be used after a doctor specifically prescribes it to you. People with kidney and liver diseases should not take it.
This tablet is not safe to use during pregnancy. There is evidence of fatal results on the unborn baby while using the drug during pregnancy.
One must also be cautious in the premenopausal, pregnant or breastfeeding phases whether any adverse reactions are developing or not.
Some commonly available substitutes are the generic sildenafil citrate based tablets like
These are all generic drugs and they should be taken after being recommended by a doctor to you.
Ideally, you ought to be taking just one pill daily before indulging in sexual activity. The dosage of the pill depends upon what your doctor prescribes you.
Consult your doctor before taking it because it is a prescription drug and has side effects and hence, a doctor would be better positioned to give you the right advice once he knows what your medical condition is.
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