Fliban 100mg Tablet (Flibanserin)
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Buy Fliban 100mg tablet Generic drug of Flibanserin online at a reasonable price from most trusted website to cure Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder among Women. Get all information regarding this medicine like the review, use, side effect, dosage (Missed/Over), Composition, Substitutes, Precautions, manufacture by Centurion Laboratories, how it works, how long does last and many more. You can also get fast delivery in UK, USA, Australia, China.
This is used for treating women who suffer from acquired and generalized hypoactive sexual disorder or HSDD which is characterized by symptoms like low sexual desires which results in causing distress and interpersonal difficulties.
The women must be premenopausal. This medication must not be used for treating low sexual desires which is a result of a bad mood, mental disorder, relationship problems, or because of other medicinal effects. This medicine must not be taken by men or women who have entered the menopausal stage.
These are not for enhancing sexual performance. This drug is also commonly known as pills for boosting female libido and increases sexual drives in women.
It is manufactured by an Indian company called Centurion Remedies Ltd and is available for online purchasing. They are oval shaped and pink in color and come in strengths of 100 milligrams.
Generic Flibanserin pill is used for treating women who have low sexual libido and haven’t still passed into the menopausal stage, these women have not suffered from this low sexual desires in the past but they cannot feel stimulated now, no matter their sexual partner, the situation or the type of sexual activity.
It enhances the libido in women and is used for medicating on the libido of women and excites them. Women who suffer from hypoactive sexual desire disorder are suffering from low libido, and it is not caused by any medical and mental issues, problems in relationships or drug uses.
HSDD merely is a medical issue in premenopausal women, and this meds can help to cure this.
It has a unique mechanism of working. It involves regulating some chemicals in the brain which can affect the sexual desires in women. Flibanserin is a primarily postsynaptic 5HT1A receptor agonist and 5HT2A receptor antagonist; it acts in the central nervous system of women.
It helps to correct imbalances of hormones like dopamine and also norepinephrine which is responsible for increasing sexual excitement while reducing the levels of serotonin which is known to increase sexual inhibition.
It does not affect blood flow unlike sildenafil citrate tablets; it is a hormonal medication.
It has to be used by a woman who has not reached their menopausal stage and is yet suffering from low sexual libido and desires without having any other mental or physical disabilities or relationship issues.
This tablet of 10 mg Flibanserin needs to be consumed in whole by swallowing with a glass of water. It is advised that you do not crush the medicine or break in parts before drinking it; it must be taken in its whole and complete form. Women who have crossed the menopausal stage must not use them. Children and men must entirely abstain from taking it. This is a prescription drug and should be recommended by your physician first before you choose it.
The recommended intake and dosage for Fliban pill is 100 mg which should be taken only once every day during bedtime. this medication needs to be taken only during the night since the administration of it during the time you are awake will increase the risks of having hypotension, accidental injuries, syncopes and severe depression in the central nervous systems. You can expect to see good results after three weeks of taking the medication. If you do not see improvement even after taking the drug for three weeks, then you must discontinue this medicine.
In case of overdosing of this tablet, you must contact your doctor immediately.
If you miss your daily dosage, then you should first contact your doctor and take his or her advice.
Some major side effects which are as follows
Some of the most common side effects are
Besides the aforementioned cases, regular cases of diarrhea, as well as vomiting, are also considered as severe side-effects. If you counteract any of these side-effects, stop taking the medication and contact your doctor immediately.
The drug have certain conditions that govern the use of these tablets. Based on those, certain precautions should be observed. Warnings related to the use of it
The medicine should not be prescribed to pregnant women as there have been positive results indicating fetal demise or harm. If pregnant women are taking this medication, this should be at the advice of their doctor only.
The use of Geftinat tablets is not advised for breastfeeding women. If you are using this, you might be asked by your doctor to stop breastfeeding.
There has not been any indication of an interaction of this Tablets with alcohol consumption. Besides that, the intake of alcohol should be minimized or stopped completely if on geftinat pill.
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