Balila 25mg Tablet (Diazoxide)
Medicine OverView

Buy Balila Generic drug of Diazoxide online a low price from most trusted pharmacy (SafeGenericPharmacy) to management of hypoglycemia. Get all info about this medicine like the review, use, side effect, dosage (missed/over), how long does the last Composition, Substitutes, manufactured by Jolly Healthcare, how it works, Precautions. You can also get speedy delivery in the UK, USA, Australia, France, China.
Balila 25mg Capsule is used to treat a long-term condition called chronic hypoglycemia (low blood sugar level).Before taking Balila 25mg Capsule, tell your doctor if you have heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney problem, or gout (pain and swelling in the toe joints). Keep taking this medicine until your doctor tells you otherwise. Treatment with Balila 25mg Capsule is usually long-term. Nausea usually only lasts for the first couple of weeks of treatment. Stick to a simple, well-balanced diet of non-spicy foods.
Balila 25mg Capsule is used in the management of hypoglycemia. It is used to manage hypoglycemia in patients with specific medical conditions such as inoperable islet cell adenoma or carcinoma, adenomatosis, and islet cell hyperplasia. It works by inhibiting the relesase of insulin from the pancreas.
Balila 25mg Capsule belongs to a group of medicines called thiazides. It works by preventing insulin release from the pancreas, helping to return the blood sugar to normal levels.
Balila 25mg Capsule may be taken with or without food. The dose will be decided by your doctor based on the severity of your condition. Take it regularly and at the same time each day for maximum benefits. Don’t stop taking it without asking your doctor. If you do, it may worsen your symptoms.
The most common side effects of this medicine are sodium and fluid retention. Patients may also experience nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, increased heart rate, and palpitation. If you experience any of this side effect that does not go away or get worse, consult with your doctor.
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