Taxim-O 400mg Tablet (Cefixime)
Medicine OverView

Buy Taxim-O 400 tablet Generic drug of Taxim-Oime online a low price from most trusted pharmacy to cure Bacterial infections. Get all info about this medication like the review, use, side effect, dosage (missed/over), how long does the last Composition, Substitutes, manufactured by Alkem Laboratories Ltd, how it works, Precautions. You can also get fast delivery in the UK, Australia, USA, France, China.
This tablet is an extensive range anti-microbial used to treat an assortment of conditions like urinary tract contaminations, ear diseases and lung contaminations caused by microscopic organisms. It has the benefit of once-day by day dosing. This medication isn't prescribed for use if there should arise an occurrence of basic chilly, influenza or viral diseases since it is dynamic against the contaminations caused by certain bacterial species as it were.
bacterial infections
Taxim-O 400mg DT tablet is an antibiotic. It inhibits the formation of the bacterial protective covering which is essential for the survival of bacteria in the human body.
Take this medicine in the dose and time as advised by your doctor or pharmacist. Dissolve it in one glass of water before taking it. This pill may be made with /without food, but it is better to use it at a fixed time.
The following is a list of possible side effects that may occur from the use of this tablet. Some of the reaction may be rare but severe. Counsel your family doctor if you observe any of the following side-effects, especially if they do not go away.
Before using Taxim-O 400 DT tablet, tell your doctor or pharmacist about your current list of medicines, over the counter products that are vitamins, herbal supplements. Allergies, pre-existing diseases, and current health conditions. Some medicinal circumstances can make you increasingly powerless to the reactions of the prescription. Take as coordinated by your family specialist or pursue the course imprinted on the item embed. The dose depends on your condition. Tell your doctor if your situation perseveres or intensifies.
this tablet is not recommended for use if you have a known allergy to this pill or any other Beta-lactam antibiotics.
If you develop bloody or watery diarrhea contact your doctor or pharmacist immedately.
Tell your clinician/pharmacist if you have had allergic reactions to penicillins or other cephalosporins in the past.
This drug is not suggested for use in pregnant ladies unless necessary, and the potential benefits outweigh the risks involved. Consult your doctor before using this medicine.
This is not recommended for use in breastfeeding women unless necessary. If the drug is used, close monitoring of the infant for any undesired effects is required.
There is no indication of cefexime affecting birth control (contraception). However, interactions may occur, and This pill may affect the action of birth control pills. Please guide your doctor to confirm whether you require an extra birth control measure while taking Taxim-o.
No interactions have been clinically observed between This medication and azithromycin. However, interactions may happen. Always counsel with your doctor or pharmacist before taking two drugs together.
No interactions have been clinically observed between this drug and doxycycline. However, interactions may occur. Always consult with your physician before taking two medicines together.
No interactions have been clinically observed between Taxim-o and paracetamol. However, communications can occur. Always counsel with your doctor or pharmacist before taking two medicines together.
Folic corrosive can be taken with this current prescription's as no medication sedate collaborations have been clinically seen between them. Be that as it may, collaborations may happen. If it's not too much trouble counsel your specialist before taking the two meds together.
Yes, this medicine belongs to a group of antibiotics called 'cephalosporins.'
Securely of Taxim-o in children less than six months of age (includes premature and newborn infants) has not been established. Please consult your physician before starting any antibiotics in children.
Taxim-o is not penicillin. It belongs to a different class of medicationknown as cephalosporin, and it works similarly as penicillins. However, they are dissimilar antibiotics. Please consult your doctor regarding their use.
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